- Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
- What standards are used to calculate the CO2?
- Our methodology is in line with ISO14040 and other appropriate international standards. The Gaia Partnership works with various academic and not for profit bodies to ensure the validity of the methodology.
- Do you have details of any of the research programmes you are referencing?
- The methodology and carbon factors used to measure the resulting CO2 calculation in the commercial printing section of the CO2counter are based on best practice independent and published academic research. The carbon factors used for the paper component of the calculation is also based on a Gaia commissioned review conducted by Centre for Design RMIT University Melbourne Australia in July 2009. Confirmation that the report was still best practice was recieved in mid 2012. The full report can be viewed on http://www.gaiapartnership.com
- Freight methodology used in the CO2counter
- The measurement is looking at the distribution or delivery of goods to a single point.
An allowance is made by weight, mode of transport and distance giving the amount of CO2_e generated by the movement of the finished product using the following:
For local Truck deliveries localised supplied data is used.
For all other factors 'Guidelines to Defra's GHG Conversion Factors’ are used. While this is UK based research the methodology is used around the world as a bases for calculation.
This allow Gaia to calculate the carbon emissions in a consistent manner by using the following:.
The data available gives:
A mode of transport
A weight of the goods
The distance travelled from pick up to destination
- How do I know the calculations are correct?
- The CO2counter has been developed drawing on creditable independent research from around the world. The calculator is under constant review and is updated as verified data becomes available.
- Can I use the CO2 reading to buy offsets?
- If your companies compliance guidelines allow you to not have your measurements externally audited you can use the figure to buy carbon credits.
Please contact info@gaiapartnership.com for more details
- Does using the CO2counter system and the the buying of offsets comply with National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS)?
- The self assessment CO2counter reporting is not a full Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tool. It allows for benchmarking and tracking of CO2 based on best academic research where it is not possible to conduct a full LCA. The CO2 calculations can be submitted for inclusion with your NCOS Carbon Neutral Program inventory. You will however have to have your NCOS approved auditor review and approve the methodology behind the calculations to enable this to be NCOS compliant. Please contact us and we will help you with this process and recommend a suitable auditor if required.
The offsets you purchase via the CO2counter are from Climate Friendly are NCOS approved.